Thursday, October 27, 2011

Growing Old

OK...I'm going to voice some things that I have been pondering for a few days, now; or weeks, actually: About 3 weeks ago, I started taking care of a near-Centenarian (and why are they called 'Centenarian' and not 'Centurians,' I wonder?! That seems to make more sense to me than the former!) and...I have to tell you straight out: granted, I probably won't be around to celebrate my 100th birthday BUT...IF I get to the point of: senility; alzheimer's; or anything else where my scruples are missing, I really just DON'T want to be around, any longer!!!!!!! Pain, of course, is one thing that would not be much fun to have to live with but...oh, man...having to take stool softeners because I can't get up and move around...because my knees hurt too much?! Well, heck...I could say that, right now: my knees are KILLING me from ALL the SQUATS that I'm having to do pushing down and pulling back up britches for the lady to go to the loo! And...I DON'T want someone else wiping my butt! And...I wouldn't want anyone forcing all sorts of pills down my throat, neither; nor...meals every two hours! I look at ALL the efforts of 8(!!) PEOPLE who are employed to care for ONE elderly person and I am just FLOORED at the efforts!!!!'s NICE to have a "nice, long life" but...if you just sit under an electric blanket wearing men's cotton work gloves, all day, just to keep your hands warm AND you're BLIND and hard of hearing even with expensive hearing aids...I don't think that the "quality of life" is very much there, anymore!

And...of course, then, there are the "mad men" like Hitler and Stalin (and, of course, MANY in modern times, I'm SURE!!) who just want to get rid of any and everyone who isn't just "perfect," anymore; hence, why the Dr. Kevorkians of the world aren't allowed to offer their "goodwill" services very readily...although I understand that Sweden seems to have implemented this Euthanasia thing and seem to be quite a "happy nation" for it! But...therein lies the real question: "Where is the line drawn?" Yes...I "get" that these are "terminal illnesses" that get dealt with like this; but, also, how many fudge this term so that they can just get rid of people who are aging?

For now, I'm still just hoping that I will have a long and happy life and...then drift off, in my sleep so as not to bother anyone much. Being with this elderly woman and also reflecting on the death of someone who, up until getting a rare form of pancreatic cancer, could probably have lived a couple of decades longer, makes me just wonder "WHY?" Or...the people who are so loved by a gazillion people die and...then there are people like me that seem to have alienated myself to most of the world, not even trying; I think that the only 2 that would notice if I were gone would be my children! :-(

So...what are your thoughts on aging and the whole euthanasia thing? What do you think needs to take place when the "quality of life" ends before your "earthly vessel" does?

1 comment:

Tommy said...

TC, this is a very thought provoking subject. I wanted to post something here, just to acknowledge that I read it. But, I have to give this one some real thought before I make a real comment.

As you know, I have a somewhat simular situation approaching.
So, have patience and I'll get back to you.