Friday, January 13, 2012

Penis Tattooing Aftermath

I feel like I would be doing a disservice to mankind, if I didn't share this important "public service announcement." :-/


Tommy said...

TC, thanks for the public service announcement.. :-)

I'll certainly keep this in mind the next time that I have a needle in close proximity with my penis. :-(

Other than the joke side of this, what a tragic story..

TC [Girl] said...

TC, thanks for the public service announcement.. :-)'re, certainly, most welcome, Tommy! Anytime! :-D

I'll certainly keep this in mind the next time that I have a needle in close proximity with my penis. :-(

[GASP!] I'm BLUSHING! You wrote the "p" word about yourself! lol! :-D Well...yes...unless you're a diabetic...or enjoy needlepoint and are very far-sighted, hopefully, that wouldn't pose to be too much of a problem! ;-)

Other than the joke side of this, what a tragic story..

Isn't it, though?! I didn't even know that there were so many that are afflicted w/it! I can't think of a better age (Oh, OK...perhaps 10 years, earlier! lol!) that this problem could be mutually the sex department! lol! After that, I think peeps would just kind of start lookin' at you like you're a crazed nymph or something! :-/

Ray said...

This reminds me of a story:

A guy on a tropical vacation is standing at the urinals of a club next to a big black guy, and he can't help noticing that there's a couple of alphabetical characters tattoo'd on the other guy's member.
So he asks "Did you decide to have your pet name for it tattoo'd on it?"

The big black guy replies "No, Sir - if you could see all of that, it would say 'Welcome to Jamaica' "

TC [Girl] said...

GOOD one, Ray! Thanks for the chuckle! I needed that; it's been one of those kinds of days! (dealing w/a person on Morphine is NOT a walk in the park! Can't WAIT for my shift to be DONE!)