Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! :-)

Looking for something special to do with your girl, tonight? How about taking her: by a flower store, after you pick her up from work, and letting her pick out a customized bouquet of flowers (if she likes that sort of thing - some do; some don't); going to her favorite restaurant (are reservations needed? CALL AHEAD to be sure!); finding out if she enjoys candy or chocolates and, perhaps, finding out where they sell the ones she enjoys and swinging by there. Then, take her out to this great Nicholas Sparks movie, 'Safe Haven.' It's got the romance, family, and suspense/drama all rolled into one great movie!

Afterwards, perhaps take her out to a nice dessert place, that also makes great flavored coffees. Yes...for some of you (and even your girl!), this might be a bit much so...hopefully, you know her well enough to know which stops she might enjoy and which ones to skip. This is, however, what "romancing your girl" is all about, though; something this special day was created to focus on so...GO CRAZY!! :-D When the early part of the evening has been enjoyed, together, I don't think I need to tell you where this could all go...IF you have done your homework and as long as you are respectful, courteous and have shown her just how much you really do love her. LUCKY GIRL!  :-)

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!  :-)

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