Saturday, July 9, 2011

Renee Olstead - Summertime

Here's a young lady that I've known about, for a few years. I think she's an excellent singer of songs from an era that preceded her; and...she has had this knack, at quite a young age, as well. In fact, she put out her first album at the "ripe old age" of...11!!

Here's her bio I didn't even realize that she had been a child actress, as well, at the whopping beginning age of...6 was quite a surprise to discover! One of my most favorite songs that she does, I haven't been able to find on uboob but it's called 'Slow Boat To China.' It's SO CUTE! I'll just keep looking for it! I, actually, thought that I had already posted this song but came to discover that I hadn't, tonight. I must have [the usual] gotten distracted, somewhere along the line! :-/

Hope you enjoy!

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