Friday, November 23, 2012

I've always been what I call a 'HopeFUL Romantic,' rather than the usual label that puts forth a negative connotation: I believe in "true love" and...that if a couple is supposed to be together, God Will Direct it so that they are able to be together. Of course, it's heart-breaking, when people meddle in what I believe is God-ordained, in the first place, and causes the couple not to be able to be together as much as they wanat to be. So sad...ALL the years stolen from this couple. A silver lining, in the end, though. DON'T WAIT TO CONTACT SOMEONE THAT YOU LOVE AND MISS AND WANT SO MUCH TO BE TOGETHER WITH. YOU NEVER KNOW THE REASON WHY THINGS ENDED BUT...IF YOU STILL LONG FOR THIS PERSON, THERE'S PROBABLY A VERY GOOD REASON. REACH OUT AND CONTACT THE ONE YOU LOVE, BEFORE CHRISTMAS; YOU NEVER KNOW HOW THINGS MIGHT END UP. GOOD LUCK!

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