Thursday, January 6, 2011

Echoes - Part I - Pink Floyd

Come with me on a journey. The first time I heard this band, I was in my teens and...yes...with a bunch of stoners. :-( To make a long story short, I didn't care much for this band, then, because of the memories attached to them. It took me YEARS to be able to hear them w/out "going there," in my mind.

However, had I seen this band, back then, I wonder if I would have recognized how great of a band they really were and became. I know one thing: I just finished wiping the drool off of the table from having watched a young David Gilmour. Holy ** what a DOLL he was, back then, and...I found him to be very much the same, when I saw him on the DVD that PBS was playing, once upon a time! I could not believe the size of the band, for one, much less the light show. It's just AMAZING!

So...stay w/me and watch the 2nd part of this 'Echoes' recording, which, in and of itself, is just an AMAZING piece of historical rock footage so very well preserved! The venue is just incredible as is the amp power and stamina (struggling not to "go there"! lol!) of all of them. Hope you enjoy! I know I sure did! :-P

OK, fast forward some 20-something years and check out what one of their AMAZING concerts used to look like! What I wouldn't have given to have gone to one of those! Wow! I could just sit, watch, and listen to David Gilmour play/sing for DAYS! That dude is one SEXY dude, STILL! Can't even watch him smile and I start to get weak! :-P LOL!

And then, perhaps, you'll see why I am SO THRILLED that they're talking about coming back, after this ending. Anyone coming w/me to a concert, someday?! :-D (Durn! I just saw, somewhere in the comments, that they're scheduled to tour, this year, already. I wonder if that is still true! I probably won't be able to make it, this year. :-(


Ray said...

I have three 12-inch LPs of Dark Side and two of them are rather frazzle-assed. The third, I'm trying to preserve. I also have the CD of it, which, by the way, is not up to par with the LPs for sound quality.

Stereo experts tell me this is to be expected because of the differences in the technology used. Apparently, the LPs still deliver a better "you-are-there" sensation than CDs do.

TC [Girl] said...

Ray said...
"I have three 12-inch LPs of Dark Side and two of them are rather frazzle-assed. The third, I'm trying to preserve."


"I also have the CD of it, which, by the way, is not up to par with the LPs for sound quality."

Bummer and interesting. That doesn't seem like the usual case...where the CD sounds better? I seem to remember that being one of the selling points re: CD's: the sound quality was better, crisper, clearer.

"Stereo experts tell me this is to be expected because of the differences in the technology used. Apparently, the LPs still deliver a better "you-are-there" sensation than CDs do."

Interesting. Well...I have heard that vinyl either is or is coming back in vogue. Have you heard this, Ray? (I should check w/"my" 'Google Boy!' :-D

Ray said...

I haven't heard it's coming back, but for some of us, vinyl never left.

I have about 400 that are still in
very playable condition. The secret is to keep them clean, and unhurt.

TC [Girl] said...

Yeah a pretty consistent temperature.

Found an article re: vinyl's resurgence.

It's interesting: I can remember when CD's were the new rave and how everyone was saying how they had better quality than vinyl. As you said, there is a comment, in the article, that states the same, re: the better quality of the vinyl. That's good. :-)

Ray said...

"the better quality of the vinyl"....

I'm guessing it has something to do with the way they had to make everything smaller for the CDs and their playback system, which isn't
as "big and strong" as that used for the vinyl. With vinyl, if you have a modern sensitive pickup and a clean disc to play, you'll get great sound.
This new Grado cartridge that I just put on the Technics direct drive Quartz turntable really gives the records a nice full sound and the stereo separation is very obvious. Moreso, I think, than with CDs.

TC [Girl] said...

Sounds neat. Might be worth trying to rig up, around here. :-)